"Changes the cursor when the mouse rolls over the current sprite. " & \
"Choose one of the pointers included with Director, or specify two 1-bit 16x16 pixel bitmap members: one to act as the pointer image, the other to define the transparent/opaque areas of the cursor." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"TIPS:" & RETURN & \
"Place a single pixel at the topRight and bottomLeft of the image itself to create what is in fact a 17x17 pixel bitmap. " & \
"These extra pixels will not appear in the cursor (they will be clipped) but the mask will align with them. " & \
"This ensures that the opaque area surrounds the cursor image correctly." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Set the regPoint of the image to define the cursor's hotspot." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"* EITHER - Use one of Director's built-in cursors." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"* OR - Use your own bitmap images." & RETURN & \
"* Custom Image " & RETURN & \
"* Custom Mask" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"To use custom images, ensure that " & QUOTE & "1 bit bitmap" & QUOTE & " is selected as the type of cursor."
end getBehaviorDescription
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return \
"Use with graphic members." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Modifies the cursor when the mouse rolls over a sprite." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"You can use built-in or custom images for the cursor."
end getBehaviorTooltip
property spriteNum
-- author-defined parameters
property myCursorType
property myBuiltInCursor
property myCursorMember
property myCustomCursor
property myCustomMask
-- internal properties
property mySprite
property mySavedCursor
on beginSprite me
SetSpriteCursor me
end beginSprite
on endSprite me
mySprite.cursor = mySavedCursor
end endSprite
on SetSpriteCursor me
mySprite = sprite (me.spriteNum)
-- Save cursor to revert to
mySavedCursor = mySprite.cursor
-- Set the cursor of the sprite
if voidP (myCursorType) then
mySprite.cursor = myBuiltInCursor
end if
case myCursorType of
"Built-in cursor":
mySprite.cursor = myBuiltInCursor
"Cursor Member":
myCursorMember = value (myCursorMember)
cursorList = [myCursorMember.number]
mySprite.cursor = cursorList
"1 bit bitmap":
myCustomCursor = value (myCustomCursor)
cursorList = [myCustomCursor.number]
if myCustomMask <> "no mask" then
myCustomMask = value (myCustomMask)
end if
mySprite.cursor = cursorList
end case
end SetSpriteCursor
on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum)
case aSpriteType of
return TRUE
return FALSE
end case
end isOKToAttach
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
if not the currentSpriteNum then exit
propertyDescriptionList = [:]
cursorTypes = []
cursorMembersList = GetCursorMembers (me)
cursorBitmapsList = GetCursorBitmaps (me)
cursorMasksList = duplicate (cursorBitmapsList)
cursorMasksList.addAt (1, "no mask")
cursorMembers = cursorMembersList.count()
bitmapCursors = cursorBitmapsList.count()
if cursorMembers then
cursorTypes.append ("Cursor Member")
end if
if bitmapCursors then
cursorTypes.append ("1 bit bitmap")
end if
if cursorTypes.count() then
cursorTypes.addAt (1, "Built-in cursor")
propertyDescriptionList.addProp \
( \
#myCursorType, \
#comment: "CHOICE OF TYPE - Use which type of cursor?", \
#format: #string, \
#range: cursorTypes, \
#default: cursorTypes[1]\
] \
propertyDescriptionList.addProp \
( \
#myBuiltInCursor, \
#comment: "CHOICE OF CURSOR - Built-in cursor:", \
#format: #cursor, \
#default: 280\
] \
return \
[ \
#myBuiltInCursor: \
#comment: "Use which cursor?", \
#format: #cursor, \
#default: 280\
] \
end if
if cursorMembers then
propertyDescriptionList.addProp \
( \
#myCursorMember, \
#comment: "Cursor Member", \
#format: #member, \
#range: cursorMembersList, \
#default: cursorMembersList[1] \
] \
end if
if bitmapCursors then
propertyDescriptionList.addProp \
( \
#myCustomCursor, \
[ \
#comment: "- 1 bit bitmap (image)", \
#format: #bitmap, \
#range: cursorBitmapsList, \
#default: cursorBitmapsList[1]\
] \
propertyDescriptionList.addProp \
( \
#myCustomMask, \
[ \
#comment: "1 bit bitmap (mask)", \
#format: #bitmap, \
#range: cursorMasksList, \
#default: cursorMasksList[1]\
] \
end if
return propertyDescriptionList
on GetCursorMembers me
cursorMembersList = []
maxCastLib = the number of castLibs
repeat with theCastLib = 1 to maxCastLib
maxMember = the number of members of castLib theCastLib
repeat with memberNumber = 1 to maxMember
theMember = member(memberNumber, theCastLib)
if theMember.type = #cursor then
if theMember.name = EMPTY then
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return cursorMembersList
end GetCursorMembers
on GetCursorBitmaps me
cursorBitmapsList = []
maxCastLib = the number of castLibs
repeat with theCastLib = 1 to maxCastLib
maxMember = the number of members of castLib theCastLib